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"Experience a new era of streamlined report production with St. James’s Place, thanks to the transformative capabilities of Denodo. Witness the seamless creation of annual wealth accounts and quarterly valuation statements, now accomplished with unparalleled efficiency. What once took much longer has now been condensed into a mere couple of days, elevating our operational agility. Leveraging the power of both the tool and its methodologies, we have already optimized our processes, however with the advent of Denodo's version 8 and the imminent version 9, we stand poised to usher in even greater enhancements. Brace for a future where reporting periods for our valued clients are expedited like never before."

- Ajay Sohal, Data Integration Analyst, St. James’s Place

Essai gratuit de Denodo

30 jours d'essai gratuit sur le cloud pour tester pleinement Denodo Standard


Denodo Express

L'accès libre à la data virtualization